I started this blog because I was moving around so much it was hard to make sure I had all of my recipes with me and all the accompanying notes. Cookbooks, newspaper clippings, emailed recipes... I decided to start keeping things I tried online so I could remember and access them easily.
Another advantage was that anyone who liked something in particular could see the recipe and or request that I make it for them. Hence the title.
I started the blog in Taiwan, where there is year round humidity and heat. After moving to Canada, I noticed that many of the recipes just weren't quite the same. Everything came out dryer here. Certainly it has to do with the natural environment but also maybe to do with me having a proper oven again (instead of a tiny tabletop oven).
Another change has been a gradual introduction of gluten-free and lactose-free recipes. These came with new labels that have not yet been back-tagged. And more recently, onion-free recipes (though most recipes you can just leave out the onion and it's still good).
All in all a personal project but public in case anyone else can gain something positive from it. If you try anything, feel free to leave a comment!